Chilkat and Ravenstail Weavers Celebrated in Interwoven Radiance

Weavers Across the Water: Marsha Hotch, Michelle Gray, Debra O’Gara, Douglas Gray, Irene Lampe, Catrina Mitchell, Karen Taug, Nila Rinehart, Laine Rinehart, Crystal Rogers, Yarrow Vaara, Lily Hope (with child Louis standing, and holding Eleanor), and visionary Clarissa Rizal.


The Native Arts and Cultures Foundation is proud to celebrate Chilkat and Ravenstail weavers through its support of “Interwoven Radiance,” on display at the Portland Art Museum of Portland, Oregon, November 10 – 2017 – June 24, 2018. This will be a special opportunity to highlight this incredible art form, as well as to recognize its female Native artists, who have been largely overlooked and underappreciated for their contributions to sustaining and masterfully perpetuating this complex and beautiful tradition.

Organized by Tlingit artist and weaver Lily Hope, daughter of Native Arts and Cultures Foundation 2015 National Artist Fellow Clarissa Rizal, this exhibition in the Museum’s Center for Contemporary Native Art will celebrate the artistic achievements and vitality of Chilkat and Ravenstail weavers of the Northwest Coast—illuminating the philosophy and ways of life for women weavers.

Ms. Hope was born and raised in Juneau, Alaska. She is Tlingit Indian, of the Raven moiety. Her mother’s mother’s clan, the T’akdeintaan, originated from the Snail House in Hoonah, Alaska. She teaches weaving in Juneau, Canada, and the coasts of Alaska down into Oregon. She demonstrates weaving internationally, and lectures on the spiritual commitments of being a weaver.

Click here for a full article and exhibit details from the Portland Art Museum.

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