• Bring a valuable perspective to contemporary life
  • Inspire healing within indigenous communities and among Native peoples and the general population
  • Provoke thought, spark discussion, explore solutions and add a vital contribution to our communities and world
William Wilson (Navajo Nation), Auto Immune Response #2
Photo courtesy of artist.


We owe it to future generations to break through all barriers that limit our potential and forge new frontiers with a courageous spirit.

Giving to those who genuinely express a part of themselves through the arts and expand deeper appreciation for Native cultures is at the core of our philanthropy.

Trusting our intuition and connection to the Creator helps us bring forth our fullest imagination, inspiration and effort. We strive to always be in the process of creation, for this is where our greatest achievements happen.

We encourage an environment of respect for difference, the humanity of others, and diverse arts and cultures, and we nurture all life forms while in the course of our daily lives and working with others.

We are committed to the long journey, seeing beyond what we need right now and following through with patience, perseverance and passion. Our collective responsibility is to honor the wisdom and knowledge of seven generations back and the evolvement and enlightenment of seven generations ahead.

Luci Tapahonso (NACF National Artist Fellow)
2018 NACF National Artist Fellows Convening


NACF 2018 Mentor Artist Fellow Will Wilson taking tintype photographs
2019 NACF Gratitude Celebration, Santa Fe

The Native Arts and Cultures Foundation advances equity and cultural knowledge, focusing on the power of arts and collaboration to strengthen Native communities and promote positive social change with American Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native peoples in the United States.

The Native Arts and Cultures Foundation (NACF) is a Native-led, 501 (c) 3 philanthropic organization dedicated exclusively to the perpetuation of American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian arts and cultures nationwide.

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