Growing Our Wadatika Yaduan Nobi Oral History Project – Burns Paiute Tribe

Grantee:  Burns Paiute Tribe
Location: Burns, Oregon
Award: 2018 Native Nation Partnerships
Social Art Project: Growing Our Wadatika Yaduan Nobi Oral History Project
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The Burns Paiute Tribe’s Growing Our Wadatika Yaduan Nobi Oral History Project addresses the need to protect and continue to share the community’s oral traditions, and to further expose youth to the importance of protecting and revitalizing Burns Paiute’s Wadatika Yaduan as a critical part of the oral history transference. Several oral history narratives will be selected for production into community skits and plays. Community members, led by the language program team, will devote time to the creation of props, costumes, puppets, etc., for the skits and plays.  Participating project tribal elders will evaluate and provide consultation throughout the oral history narrative creative process.

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