“Indigenous New York, Critically Speaking” is the second of three colloquia grounding the Vera List Center‘s Indigenous New York series. The Native Arts and Cultures Foundation is proud to support this gathering, which takes place March 11, 2017 in New York City. A free and public presentation, including reception, will begin at 4 pm.
From the Vera List Center:
The first of this series, Indigenous New York, Curatorially Speaking considered four thematics that grew out of in-depth conversations between curators in the field and indigenous and non-indigenous epistemologies and methodologies; the non-colonial museum; challenges of collaborative curation; the growing indigenization of international art. Building on the success of the first colloquium, the second Indigenous New York, Critically Speaking, will provide opportunities for meaningful exchange between indigenous and non-indigenous critics and the public and examine how a fuller consideration of indigenous creative production might reconfigure regimes of critical writing.