Taylor Antone

Akimel O’odham, Gila River Indian Community

GRANTEE:  Taylor Antone
NATIVE HERITAGE:  Akimel O’odham, Gila River Indian Community
LOCATION:  Phoenix, AZ
AWARD:  2021 LIFT – Early Career Support for Native Artists
SOCIAL MEDIA:  Instagram

Taylor Antone is from the Gila River Indian Reservation just south of Phoenix, Arizona. One of the issues she perceived early on in her creative career was the lack of Indigenous representation in mass media both on-screen and behind-the-scenes. Since then, she has been motivated to elevate the voices of Native peoples and to tell their stories through a medium in which they are not often represented. She strives to empower the voices of historically excluded people and share their stories in a meaningful and unique way, to educate and connect with others around the world.

Antone’s creative work focuses on short story animations, animation loops, short documentary profiles, and illustrations. In each of her works, she attempts to create an immersive experience for viewers in the story being told by bringing them to life with impactful and distinctive visuals born through 2D and 3D animation.

I am passionate about storytelling and I want to use that to help my community members tell life stories that prove meaningful to them.

—Taylor Antone (Akimel O’odham, Gila River Indian Community)


During the LIFT grant year, Antone will create an animated documentary short-film series, featuring tribal members from the Gila River Indian Community. Each member will have their own episode, based on a life story they choose to share. The work’s process will be documented and shared online and ultimately published on various social media and streaming websites, including presentations for her community members.

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