Aloha and Thank You to the Native Arts and Cultures Community


On behalf of the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation staff and Board of Directors, President and CEO Lulani Arquette extends her thanks to those who share our belief in the beauty and power of Native Arts and Cultures! Mahalo, Sepk’eec’a, Mvto, Yakoke, Gunalcheesh, Sgi, Dawaee, Haw.aa, Pilamyaye! Love and thanks.

December 28, 2017: Thanks to the generosity of Native Arts and Cultures Foundation supporters, we have raised 62% of our year-end fundraising goal of $25,000. Your gift goes to support Native artists and culture bearers throughout the United States ~ helps the NACF reach more with education and advocacy ~ and will lay the foundation for new programs designed to assist tribal communities. Thank you to all who have already given.

If you can help us reach our goal by December 31, please visit to make your gift and add your voice to our growing community!

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