Longhouse Education and Cultural Center

Grantee:  Longhouse Education and Cultural Center
Location:  Olympia, Wash
Award:  Mobilizing the Community Through the Arts
Discipline:  National Native Master Artist Initiative: Artists Teaching Artists
Web Site: http://www.evergreen.edu/longhouse/

Housed at the Evergreen State College, the Longhouse is one of the foremost Native educational institutions in the country.

Funding for the project supported the National Native Master Artist Initiative: Artists Teaching Artists residency program and awarded four $5000 grants to master Native artists to teach established or emerging artists within an intensive community workshop setting. Master artists included John E. Smith-Skokomish (Salish Canoe paddle making); Louie Gong-Nooksack (Art and Identity-Custom Shoes); Marwin Begaye-Navajo (Relief Print-making); and Herman Pi’kea Clark (Kanaka Maoli) print-making residency and exhibition. The key component in the project was artistic impact – artists worked with masters in the field to polish their skills, explored new avenues for creation, and strengthened networks of Native artists in traditional and contemporary art forms. In addition to the Longhouse Master Artist grants, three workshops were held with Master artists teaching other artists and a Cultural Connections Art Exhibition that featured the work of Herman Pi’ikea Clark and the works completed by participants in the Marwin Begaye residency.

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