Grantee: Northwest Indian College
Location: Bellingham, Wash.
Award: Artist Networks and Convenings
Discipline: Weavers Teaching Weavers Conference
Web Site:
Advanced weavers who are members of the Northwest Native American Basketweavers Association (NNABA) and part-time faculty of Northwest Indian College (NWIC) shared their knowledge and skills with novice and apprentice weavers and one another.
The activities included a 3-day Weavers Teaching Weavers Conference that allowed the most advanced weavers to work with one another and to teach intermediate level weavers the skills needed to become weaving teachers. In addition, NNABA explored issues related to wellness through basketry at the Native American Women and Girls/Men and Boys Conference addressing personal, family, and community wellness. Nine basketry courses were offered throughout the year instructing students in basketry techniques, the history of basketry, appropriate methods for gathering traditional materials, and traditional uses for baskets and other woven objects.