This is a default category that should not be intentionally used, unless you are creating a test page — If you forget to assign a category to a post, it will default to ‘NACF,’ which is basically the same as ‘Uncategorized’. The public will not be able to find the post!

NACF Partners with Google Arts and Culture

In a groundbreaking move NACF partners with Google Arts and Culture to leverage technology for social transformation, in a recent collaboration with Google Arts and Culture Portland. On April 4th,…

NACF Announces 2023 SHIFT Program Awardees

PORTLAND, Oregon, November 16, 2023 – The Native Arts and Cultures Foundation (NACF) is excited to announce the new 2023 SHIFT – Transformative Change and Indigenous Arts program awardees. Following…

Chords to Other Chords (Relative) 2023

Marie Watt and her dog walking in front of Chords to Other Chords (Relative) at The CenterPhoto by Kevin McConnellIn August of 2023, Seneca Artist Marie Watt began constructing her…

NACF Announces 2023 LIFT Program Awardees

PORTLAND, Oregon, September 13, 2023 – The Native Arts and Cultures Foundation (NACF) is excited to announce the new 2023 LIFT – Early Career Support for Native Artists program awardees!…

Introducing Community Tours

While NACF has always been headquartered in the Pacific Northwest, our roots in the Oregon community have been expanding through our new national headquarters at the Center for Native Arts…

Support for Maui

At the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation, our hearts are heavy with the news of the lives that have been lost and the devastating wildfires that have destroyed Lahaina town…
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